Tuesday, August 20, 2013

DIY : Simple birthday cake

is it a birthday cake?
i don't know what do you think about it haha
but i can imagine that it is a birthday cake, why not?
there are birthday candles and it's written 'happy b'day' on it.

just simple,
you can do it by yourself.

what is needed?
1. Wide sweet bread
2. chacha milk chocolate
3. choki choki chocolate paste
4. small candles

firstly, put the wide bread on a plate. you can write 'happy birthday' on it with some additon may be.
garnish it with chacha on and around the bread, so it looks colorfull.
add candles but not too crowded.
taraaaaaa ........... IT IS A BIRTHDAY CAKE.

it is simple, cute (may be), and impressively.

oiya, FYI aja.
kue ini kue ulang tahun yang aku kasih buat pacar aku di bulan Maret kemaren hihii..

Monday, August 19, 2013

5th Semester !!

Welcome 5th Semester
Busy, crowd, and huffff ..........

24 credit, i will face.
i can imagine that it will be full of reports. Keep fighting on it and keep healthy ^^